A few years ago, 666 Packs had released their debut album appropriately entitled “Free Beer Here Vol. I” and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that this was the Greek answer to German thrashers Tankard as beer monopolized the lyrical content. From a musical standpoint we were treated with pure, raw and uncompromised rock n’ roll that you would enjoy at a bar somewhere in North America (naturally with the beer flowing in unlimited quantities).
And just when we thought that 666 Packs had called it quits (as there was radio silence for a long time now), we received the press release by Iron On Iron Records for the release party of the sophomore effort which unsurprisingly bore the title “Sex, Beers & Rock N’ Roll Vol. II”. We were present at the party, listened to the new record, bought the album, repeated the listening session on our way back home and we were more than pleased with the final outcome. What we got was really a heavy dose of rock n’ roll in the vein of Motorhead, AC/DC and Cinderella, Britny Fox (mainly due to the vocal similarities as Johhny Hott amazingly reminds of Keifer and Davidson. Andreas Tsaousis on lead guitar is doing a flawless job and there are moments when you think you listen to “Flick of the Switch” or “Overkill”.
So you should definitely check out those lads as the music is highly energetic and inspired. After all, it’s only rock and roll but we like it!
Highlight: “Beer O’ Clock”, “Beeroin”, “Beer Happy”…μερικοί από τους τίτλους!
Sakis Nikas