It’s quite rare these days to see such qualitative books that not only underline a writer’s passion for a band (in this case, the writer is one of the biggest collectors and fans of Def Leppard, David Church) but also manage to make you identify with him and that’s the most important factor; the secret of the success of “Church of Leppard”. Rockpages will review the book upon its release but trust us when we say that this is a “must have” for all the Def Leppard fans around the world…and it’s for a good cause, too…here’s the press release:
Just shy of Christmas Eve 2022, the hour has come to share with you all, my Def Leppard brothers and sisters, what I have been up to this past year.
I have lovingly dedicated and invested over a thousand hours of my time, into a very special charitable project, which has been life affirming and a complete joy!
After more than a year-long labour of love, I am honoured, humbled and privileged to reveal my ‘Church of Leppard’ debut book to the world!
‘Collecting, Connecting and Conversing. One fan’s journey spreading the Gospel of Def Leppard. Volume one 1987 – 2022.’
Featuring almost 103K words, 48 chapters, 420 pages and 466 colour photographs.
I am elated to unveil my unauthorized Def Leppard fan and collectors ‘Memoirs’ book, all in aid of charity. All proceeds of my book will be donated to Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. Registered Charity No: 1069485.
Available worldwide via Amazon, early 2023. Rock on!
David Church
22nd December 2022