Amazingly huge drummer, Richard Christy, mostly known from his work with Iced Earth, Death, Control Denied and many more, has created this band about two years ago, working on the songs himself, playing guitar for the demo versions and finding the rest of the musicians of the bunch.
Sophomore album features, apart from Christy of course, the following gentlemen. Tim “Ripper” Owens, Steve DiGiorgio and Jason Suecof. Suecof has also produced the album. Their debut got very positive reviews overall and the four are now back, aiming to make more fuss…
One listening to the album will notice that the basic concept consists of three things. Beautiful Metal melodies, ferocious drumming (the man is god amongst humans!) and – naturally – Ripper’s extra terrestrial voice. You know that, don’t you? The man can sing the phonebook and it will sound Metal! Suecof worked miracles production-wise, he’s achieved making every instrument sound the way it should. First single of the album, “Zerospan”, owns that epical, Metal seismic impact one can anticipate from songs like that. Prog breaks and tremendously interesting ideas across the board, with Ripper using every trick in the book to lead the way. Riffs are highly sophisticated, we are not just talking about one or two themes and powerchords following… We are talking dozens of fantastic riffing, rivers of riffs!
“Forever marching on”… Dude, human beings play here? Seriously? Before getting any response at all, this magical chorus is flying over and then it’s back inside the weird machinery system…
GRAND musicians, amazing album, incredible album, fantastic album!