The Norwegians are back, five years following their previous album. They wanted to search further, to reach new ground. They wanted to explore more, to check more parameters. They wanted to achieve perfection. Now I know that this is all subjective to thinking and that sometimes one man’s masterpiece is another man’s garbage…
Intro is over and ten-min-long “Architect of fortune” enters. And… it’s stunning! It’s a heck of a song! Could it be the amazing production? Is it the guitar work, which is exquisite (the band is talking about a more guitar oriented album)? Is it because I love their ideas? Or Mike Eriksen’s voice, which is completely awesome? Yes, rhythms frequently change and sometimes you feel the band is a bit alien and you might even think ten minutes can be a lifetime alone when it comes to a song… Yet, when you get to listen to this song you will instantly admit this massive lyricism deserves our attention. Keyboards step in, do a lot of work, totally supporting guitars. And the song is suddenly over and you won’t believe it’s been ten minutes already…
Various parts of music are being filtered and recycled… The Scandinavians’ Progressive is featuring Metal, angry parts, symphonic parts, themes only GREat composers would think of. The voice comes out brining a sweet melancholy to the world, throughout the album. And the boys are playing some really difficult stuff. But then again, they have their mainstream moments, like “Game of life” for instance. Pink could easily sing this one and it would be a huge hit! Next track, first single for the album, “Reach within”, is also sweet, catchy and simple and beautiful.
I truly believe that melodic Progressive fans have nothing better to chose for this time of the year. Fan part was that I checked the band’s official website and the album was mentioned as “a masterpiece” and I just made a face, thinking they were exaggerating. And then the music came out and the shot was blocked and the ball is in their court. And I loved every minute of it!