Norway, the year 1993. A band named Dim Nagel is starting its journey and in the next two years they will release an equal number of demos. Then, its history is lost somewhere in time when in 2005 two of its members make the restart by changing their name to Endezzma. Since then, they have released two EPs and three full-length albums, including this one.
A strange thing about them is that there were rumors that Fenriz (Darkthrone) and Hellhammer (Mayhem) played drums for them, the first for Dim Nagel and the second for Endezzma. Their style is obviously black metal, as evidenced by the logo that they have copied from Gehenna.
The band may not be original in this sound but it seems to successfully combine elements from two different scenes. First, there is the coldness and the aggressive riffing of the Norwegian scene and on the other hand, there are many melodic and atmospheric parts of the Swedish scene. Also, they have some black/thrash outbursts as well as alterations in tempos, which prevents the album of sounding monotonous and repetitive.
The only thing I did not like from the first moment and did not change my mind until it was over, are the vocals. They are not the classic black, and personally I believe they do not match with the rest of the material at all. They would fit better in a thrash shape than in this case. Not only that, but after a while they became a little annoying.
In general, as an album, “The Archer, Fjord And The Thunder” is not bad. I would characterize it as mediocre. It includes ten tracks (two of them are one intro and one outro) which last a total of forty minutes, so I listened to it without getting tired but also without giving me moments that I will feel the need to hit the replay button. Nevertheless, fans of the genre should listen to it, they might have a different opinion than me.