It is truly pleasant to see indigenous groups who manage to present remarkable releases. What makes the whole thing more awesome is when these releases are inspired from the indigenous mythology. The new album by Enemy Of Reality has achieved both of them.
I could easily describe the music of these Athenians as progressive symphonic metal, especially after listening to “Arakhne”, an exceptional concept album based on the story of The Spider from the Greek mythology. (For those of you who are wondering about what Arakhne was, please look it up on wiki as it is not part of the presentation)
This record is really good. All the songs that bring it together are well-written, there are some real metal dynamics going on and the production is of high quality. We find Ilianna at her best, mature as ever delivering a complete piece of work which justifies the efforts and hard work of the musicians.
Apart from the significant music touches in “Arakhne”, we will also come across some major guest appearances like the ones of Fabio Lione, Jeff Waters and Chiara Malvestiti (Therion). Never-the-less, I am still trying to figure out the reason why they were brought in and what exactly their contribution is, since the particular album would have passed with flying colors anyway! (the ‘guests’ issue in various albums is a rather long story indeed!).
“Arakhne” is a very good album which is well worth the attention of the symphonic metal followers, and not only. There are some interesting music compilations in it and I believe that it is a big step forward for the band.