Three guys study at this college in Man City… Next to their student activities they are trying to play their own music, write their own songs, perform and record. It’s a good idea… At some point they end up together, just the three of them…

They play live and Rocksector is listening carefully; a while later, both sides ink paper and the debut is a reality. Now, in order to comprehend this album… How much time do you have again?

Dirty sound, guitars reverb a lot, not towards Metal though, they lean to Hard Rock more, even filthy Rock… Easy going themes and tough and tougher motifs… You get to listen to a nice lil’ thing and then “The truth” riff bursts out… Once you listen to the whole album you might say their style is a bit Sabbathic, flirting with Prog, featuring some Stoner elements, some straight tempo shots, whilst lead vox and backing vocals are close to supeRock forms. Man, do English people play that stuff? Well, considering the fact that such forms belong to English people, they have every right to honour them.

“Ego” is on and Progressive is invading us… A pause and another pause and then tutti’s and then it’s just bass and drums. Dude, what happened, did Yes get in the picture? And then? This is one dirty and distorted path…

The boys gave some concerts last March and April. And the crowed loved their unique style. So did we. Best of luck!

