I had written some pretty flattering words about George Lynch’s relatively recent album with Souls of We. Despite the fact that their post alternative music sounded somehow dated, I couldn’t overlook the fact that the songs were pretty good. I wish I could repeat myself and say the same positive things about Lynch’s latest solo offering.
“Kill All Control” picks up from where Souls of We left off with the addition of scattered elements of modern US rock (in the vein of Sixx: AM). One will rightfully wonder: so, what’s the problem? The two basic problems of “Kill All Control” are on the one hand the mediocre level of compositions and on the other the unrecognizable guitar sound by George Lynch. Bear in mind that I don’t have absolutely no problem of listening to any “Alice In Chains meets Creed” hybrid…after all, the former is included among my fave bands. But, this is George Lynch we are talking about…the guy who, along with Eddie Van Halen and Randy Rhoads, were the pride of West Coast in 1980.
Unfortunately, I cannot cast my vote of confidence to this new Lynch album.
Highlight: On the instrumental “Son of Scary” (hats off to the classic “Mr. Scary”) we find Fred Coury of the Cinderella fame behind the drums.