While there is no official statement about whether Axl Rose will be taking AC/DC’s mic, or not, Guns’n’Roses ex-bassist, Tommy Stinson, posted a photo on Facebook where he congratulates the singer… on the photo you can see Axl from a concert photo and in front of him the CD of “Powerage”, while Stinson comments: “and the biggest balls in rock award goes to… atta boy!! Go show the kids how it’s done!” A few days ago Malcolm Young’s son, Ross, seemed to confirm Axl’s recruitment on Facebook, but his Facebook post was deleted. Officialy, AC/DC representatives position about Rose replacing Brian Johnson was an enigmatic “we don’t confirm, neither deny it”. Meanwhile what fired all this rumors was a DJ from Atlanta’s 100,5 Rock who said on air that AC/DC where in town (after their cancelled show) and were auditioning singers, when they brought in Axl Rose and that the deal was done…