Jeff Scott Soto Wide Awake

I am trying to remember when was the last time that I enjoyed a Jeff Scott Soto album so much…

While I was trying to figure it out I enjoyed a great album, full of the charismatic performers’ virtues. His magnificent voice and his magical tone. Great songs, good melodies and songs that stick to your brain. If you add to that the beautiful guitars and the fresh production, you’ve got the best album the big guy has released in a long time.

Don’t get me wrong, his latest works weren’t bad at all, I just thought that something was missing. That unidentifiable “something” is here. Is it the experience of so many years and hard work? The inspiration that was born during the lockdown? I guess we will have to ask him when we get the chance. Whatever it was… it worked!

The highlights of the album begin right from the start and keep coming to the end of the album. Just with the firs spin “Someone to Love”, which brought in mind good-ol’ Talisman, “Love Is Blind”, “Lesson Of Love”, “Living A Dream”, stood out.

Good job Jeff, hope to see you soon!