Metallica announced a special show honoring Jonny Zazula, head of Megaforce Records and his wife Marsha, where they will be playing songs exclusively  from the ’83-’84 era, while they will be supported by… Raven!

“Jonny gave us our first break in New York, released our first albums on his Megaforce Records label, and put us out on the road for our first real tour. With Marsha by his side, Jonny was a mentor, a manager, a label head, and a father figure to us all…. we would not be where we are today without the two of them. Sadly, we recently lost both Jonny and Marsha, just a little more than a year apart.

“We’ll be cooking up a special setlist for you full of songs from our days with Jonny and Marsha at Megaforce. Our main touring partner from that time, Raven, will be joining us to add to the celebration and bring back the memories.  Head out to Hard Rock Live and celebrate two heavy metal pioneers and champions with us!”

“The Zazula family is beyond humbled and appreciative that Metallica is playing this show in our parents’ honor,” state the Zazula family. “The pride our parents felt toward every member of the Metallica community, from the band members to fans, was insurmountable. We can’t wait to witness this full-circle moment that will undoubtedly cause some raucous head-banging in Rock N Roll Heaven. Horns up…at Hit the Lights…Thank you.”