The first thing I did was to check if I had written down correctly the name of the band. Then, I searched online about this Northern Irish band while I was listening to their album. Definitely, Frontiers Records’ stamp is all over the place thus one cannot be mistaken about the melodic aspect of “A Sinner’s Saint”. The thing that I didn’t expect from those Irish lads was the fact they have so harmonically embodied their “Hanoi Rocks meets Motorhead” influences without sounding copycats of the aforementioned groups.

“A Sinner’s Saint” is a very enjoyable album and all the 80’s hard rock references that are found in here are positively evaluated in the compositions. I am not so sure that Million $ Reload will manage to make it outside the small club circuit because numerous bands are emerging from all over the world every single day but I wish them sincerely the best of luck (and the best choice of management)!
Highlight: The could have come up with a far better name…truth be told, here!