Mirror is a coalition between American, Cypriot and English musicians, led by bass player Tas Danazoglou of Diavolos and Satan’s Wrath fame. More of a project than a full time band, aiming in satisfying Tas’ classic metal tendencies since Mirror have nothing to do with any other of his ventures soundwise. So alongside Tas we have vocalist Jimmy Mavrommatis (from the Cypriot band Armageddon), Stamos K. (Satan’s Wrath), Matt Olivo (Repulsion) and Jaime Gomez Arellano (of Colombian descent but residing in England). From the very first moments the intensions of the band become crystal clear. Late 70s – early 80s orientation both in terms of compositions and production values. N.W.O.B.H.M. as delivered by early Iron Maiden and Angelwitch, meets early Scorpions in a very interesting combination that doesn’t sound anything like a copy. More like a tribute to the musicians’ influences. A convincing result that will definitely draw the audience’s attention. It remains to be seen if there will be continuance to the Mirror legacy or if this was just five guys blowing off some steam.