A few weeks ago a good friend of mine sent me an SMS urging me to check out a band called Miss Behaviour. A couple of days later, I received a promo copy for reviewing a record by Miss Behaviour…weird timing or what? Apart from the…Twilight Zone connotations, Miss Behaviour is a remarkable outfit with a really good debut album called “Last Woman Standing” and a clear potential to achieve something better and bigger in the future.
In addition, there is an unbelievable song in there called “Cynthia” that could have fitted in any soundtrack of an American teenage movie of the late 80s. One might ask “what’s the style of Miss Behaviour’s music”…well, if the name of the band and the “poseur” title of the aforementioned song didn’t give you any clue, let’s just say that Miss Behaviour has absolutely nothing to do with the Thrash genre. Melodic 80s hard rock is their style and they are playing it quite well, if I may say so…Roland Grapow’s special appearance gives a metal twist on the song “Perfect War”, but that’s just an exception…
Highlight: The title reminded me of the Bon Jovi 2003’ tune “Last Man Standing”.