Man, they’re really that good? Yes, THEY ARE THAT DARN GOOD! Bruce Dickinson was full of praises when their debut album, entitled “As the lights go down” was out, two years ago. Reviews of epical proportions and the English lads share the stage with acts the likes of Blaze and Diamond Head! So now, that their sophomore is out… Ready to take cover? Nuh? Yeah, neither am I…
Check this out now. “So many lies” is on and the verse is Rockish (could remind ya of Genesis’ “I can’t dance”!) and the guitars are Killsomic! Amazing volume, incredible power, we’re talking megatons of aggressiveness here! Double bass drumming when needed, riffology that will make you growl, scream, airguitar and shout at the neighbours. No song over five min in the set, this is a major high quality Heavy Rock thunder, featuring a GREat singer. Wonderful voice color, brought a slight image of Sacred Reich at some, whilst that voice is not afraid of speed or anything else.
I would easily suggest “Sob story” (ain’t that a nice intro ala “Crue”?), “Find me”, “Nothing to lose”, although I’m certain you wouldn’t touch any other button than “play”… The boyz totally own it, I’m sure the guitar digs Mustaine big time as well as bands like Green Day… On the other hand… When the Almighty Bruce says you better watch out for them guys cuz they Rawk, why-o-why should you act otherwise?