MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx says that he doesn’t care for STEEL PANTHER, the American glam rockers from Los Angeles, California, mostly known for their profane and humorous lyrics, as well as their exaggerated onstage personas that parody the stereotypical 1980s “glam metal” lifestyle.
Despite the fact that STEEL PANTHER’s look has been described as “the bastard offspring from an unholy union of POISON and MÖTLEY CRÜE circa 1989” and that they write “over-the-top hair-metal songs ripe with melody, muscle and machismo, fearlessly creating an amalgam of that maligned era’s sound and embracing all its excesses and debauchery” (Isthmus), Sixx tells Australia’s Music Feeds that he just can’t get into STEEL PANTHER’s music. “You know, it’s not my thing,” he says. “That’s just me personally. I don’t know. It doesn’t feel… I guess a lot of people think it’s funny and they’re kind of a joke band and that’s cool. But that’s not my cup of tea. I kind of take my music a little more seriously.”