If Herman Frank and Stefan Schwarzmann left Accept to create the new Accept, this is by itself an unsuccessful project. Even if they just wanted to present something new, that’s still a failure.
Shortly after their split from a classic metal and… in top shape band, the two in by any means excellent musicians, present a release which makes them seem like clones of Accept.
I can’t say that “Send Them All To Hell” is a bad album. It has a powerful sound, high speed and a very good production. In terms of composition it’s almost decent, however it’s not exciting. Schmier on vocals shows in many points his thrash origins; however, we can say that it is a good match with the style of his two associates.
Without really knowing, I suspect that many of the songs of this album were written for Accept and weren’t included in any of their albums. I can’t give any other explanation for this release. Also, the cover of “Murder In The Skies” (Gary Moore) at the end, wasn’t a very good idea.
If there were no substantial personal arguments between Frank and Schwarzmann and the rest members of Accept, I really can’t find any reason for the existence of this band. With great respect to the musicians of Panzer, I hope for something better and more substantial in the future.