Paul Stanley’s father who is 98 years old attended KISS’s recent concert at the L.A. Forum on February 16th . The singer posted a photo of himself with his father with the caption: “MY DAD! The Oldest And Coolest Man Ever At A KISS Concert. At @theforum Saturday Night. He’ll be NINETY NINE In April!”
According to the band’s official biography, “Kiss: Behind The Mask”: “My family wasn’t that well off. When I was six, my father bought me a bike, which was the only thing that I was given of any value. We weren’t affluent, but we survived. There were times when money was very tight. In Manhattan, the four of us lived in a one-bedroom apartment; my parents slept in the living room and my sister and I shared the bedroom. My father worked as a furniture salesman, and my mother was a teacher. Originally, she was a registered nurse, and then she taught retarded kids. Ultimately, she became a full-time housewife.”