You have nothing to worry about when the band you are playing is called Pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs. British, from Newcastle, they are literally called Pigs x 7 and play doom stoner.
Dirty, aggressive doom with the characteristic screaming/shouting vocals of Matt Baty! You have to listen to them to understand how heavy they are! I would say that they are a combination of Black Sabbath and Motorhead, and in some cases their guitars and their volume brought to mind our own lads, 1000Mods (especially the starter “GNT”, for which a special video clip has been released). “Shockmaster” is the doom that I want, with Iommi influence (your blessing), while “A66” is the most experimental and interesting that takes their sound at the edges (as I said when you are called Pigs x 7, you have nothing to fear) and lasts 9 minutes.
From the riff of “Thumbsucker” you can borrow concrete for your next repair, and following “Cake of light”, the shortest track on the album, once again had a 1000Mods reference (which means Kyuss as well). “Gloamer” will knock you as the hammer to the anvil (!), the only track with clear vocals for the first 2 minutes, until the known panic of shouting will prevail.
Super heavy album for all friends of doom-stoner-sludge.