It’s not easy to put in words all these emotions that we experienced that night. A concert in the memory of Makis Tsamkosoglou, a concert for a good cause where all the money would go to the family of the late musician.
Poem were the first ones to hit the stage. Having a very good mood, they presented songs from their latest album “Unique” in the little time they had, as all the other bands besides the headliners. They had the help of Chris Kollias (SL Theory, Persona Non Grata) in bass guitar due to the absence of Takis Foitos who managed to get to the venue at the last moment. They also invited on stage Steve Lado (Tardive Dyskinesia) to play guitar on the last two songs, something that confirms my opinion that George Prokopiou is more interested in vocals than his guitar duties. Their performance doesn’t need comments, perfect as always.
Setlist: False Morality, My Own Disorder, Four Cornered God, Euthanasia
As for Need that followed next, I’ve written my opinion many times. I believe that they are an amazing band, maybe the best in Greece the past years, and Ravaya a purely enjoyable guitarist. Not only for what he plays, but also with his constant motion and crazy face expressions on stage. The sound didn’t help them, as no other band this night, but this is something not of importance. They won the massive applaud from the audience and every time I see them is a great experience.
Setlist: Rememory, Alltribe, Tilikum, Mother Madness
Playgrounded were the next in line, a band that I was about to see for the second time after their opening for Mother Of Millions in March 2019. I still believe that “Athens” and “In Time With Gravity” are both very good albums, but I think that their electronic/progressive rock doesn’t have the necessary feeling when played on stage. Of course, there were many fans who didn’t share my opinion, as the reacted very nicely to their songs.
For some strange reason, this was the first time I ever saw Universe2017. Their albums never managed to catch my attention, but I’ve heard the best about their live shows and I can say that they were all confirmed. The doomsters were really good and Tania behind the microphone was giving her own, special, performance. I think that the next time they are about to play somewhere, I will choose to attend a full show of them.
Now, what followed next, was something unique. I really admire the courage of the guys who managed to get on stage and play like there’s no tomorrow after the recent loss of their friend. With a huge “Rise Evolve” in the background (since the start of the night), Mother Of Millions took their places and from the speakers we listened to “Nema”, an instrumental composition only with piano. The hard part came soon after. “Anchor” sounded completely different without keyboards and the voice of George Prokopiou cracked from emotion which resulted in missing some lyrics. The applaud was huge, as everyone understood was happened. They decided to play amazing songs from their last two albums with friends taking place behind the keyboards. Odysseus and Orestes (if I remember correctly) for two songs each and Anthony from Need for three more. A little before the end, George Boukaouris left his drums sticks to play keys and behind the kit sat Kamil, the original drummer of Poem, for a breathtaking performance of “Artefact”. For last song, they chose to play “Wish You Were Here”. Just keyboards and vocals for the couple, then George sits back on the drums for a very electric and passionate cover of this historic song.
Setlist: Nema, Anchor, Silence, Amber, Rite, Soma, Collision, Spiral, Rome, Artefact, Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
The end found the four musicians looking down on us with faces full of emotions, tears in their eyes and the fans didn’t stop applauding them. A band who saw the love of the people and couldn’t share it with their friend, a band who realized that they will never play with him again. According to a statement they put shortly after the show, they announced that Mother Of Millions will continue and the 800 (and more) fans who were in the venue that night (and many more who just bought the ticket for support and never came) showed in the best way how an important part of the Greek scene they are all are. Kostas, George, Panos, George, thank you and I believe we all know that this is what your friend would want.
That moment was so powerful, that also brought tears to my eyes. The same happens during the time I write these words while listening to the exceptional albums they have released so far. As I was discussing with a friend of mine, our everyday problems are too small compared to this one. Losing a loved one so suddenly and so soon, is something completely different. Makis Tsamkosoglou was 33 years old (hell, this is my age too) and left behind him a wife and a newborn child. What more can you say but courage to his own people? One thing is for sure, they would feel pride looking so many people paying tribute to his legacy.
George Terzakis