I keep track of Saliva’s course in music since 2003 and I must confess that if you take aside the rather disappointing “Survival of the Sickest”, all the other albums are not only remarkable but also quite impressive. In the past 4 years they have chosen a more melodic path and their songs remind more of bands like Nickelback or Puddle of Mudd (in contrast with Saliva’s nu metal roots). As a matter of fact, “Under Your Skin” includes only two songs (“Badass” & “Burn It Up”) that turn us back in time to such songs as the classic “Click Click Boom” and “Superstar”.
I’d say that “Under Your Skin” is the sister album to “Blood Stained Love Story” when it comes down to the melodic vein of the songs while once again the band has delivered a superb production. Personally, I strongly believe that Saliva through its 15-year career has proven more than once that they are rightfully considered as one of the most important bands of the modern US scene.
Highlight: The hardcore fans of Motley Crue and Sixx:AM should definitely search for the link with their favorite bands on Saliva’s 2003 release “Back Into Your System”.