Just a few days before the official release of “Utopia”, the third album of Silent Winter, I sat down and talked with Kyriakos Balanos (guitars) about everything you would want to know about their new project. Interview: Michael Ntalakos
Rockpages.gr: In a few days “Utopia” will be released. I want you to tell us how you feel as well as what are the expectations of the band from this album.
Kyriakos Balanos: Thanks for the invitation! We feel great joy and impatience that “Utopia” is ready to be released. We worked very hard and this album expresses us on all levels, from composition to production. Our expectations are of course to connect with the world, to be embraced like our previous works, but also to open new paths for us both artistically and commercially.
Rockpages.gr: Tell us some things about the recording process of the album. How long did the whole process take you? Did you work in a different way compared to your previous works?
Kyriakos Balanos: The recording of “Utopia” took us about a year, with several breaks due to restrictions and other commitments. We worked quite differently compared to previous albums, especially regarding the arrangements. We wanted to explore more aspects of our sound, with an emphasis on dynamics and atmospheric elements. Maria’s role on keyboards played a key role in this. Also a very big part was played by the man behind the production, Steve Lado, who I know we gave him a lot of trouble but like us he made the most perfect result possible on this material.
Rockpages.gr: Listening to “Utopia” I can say that it is the most compositionally broad album in your career so far. Do you agree with that? Was it a conscious decision to step outside the Europower realm where we met you?
Kyriakos Balanos: I totally agree! We wanted to experiment and bring new elements to our sound, without abandoning our power metal core. It was a natural progression for us. Europower metal is something we love and is our base, but we wanted to try new things, to bring a more multi-dimensional sound. Tracks like “Silent Shadows” “Heart is a lonely hunter” or “Hellstorm”, have a darker and more melodic character that is different from our older work.
Rockpages.gr: There is also a new member in your line-up. How did Maria get into the band? What should we expect with the entry of a permanent member on the keyboards from now on?
Kyriakos Balanos: Maria joined the band at the suggestion of a mutual friend, who recommended her after seeing her at live performances. We hit it off immediately and she brings a new energy to our sound. The keyboards will now have a more permanent role in our compositions, giving depth and complexity, especially in live performances.
Rockpages.gr: I know that “Hellstorm” is inspired by the natural disasters in your area. Would you like to talk about some other songs that lyrically have special meaning for you?
Kyriakos Balanos: “Hellstorm” is indeed a song inspired by the natural disasters, but personally “Heart Is A Lonely Hunter” is one of the songs that touches me deeply. It talks about isolation and the search for meaning in life, something many of us experience in difficult times. Also, “Silent Shadows” speaks about abuse in whatever form it comes in, mental or physical, and is expressed in the track through the eyes of one such abused person.
Rockpages.gr: What is the utopia for you?
Kyriakos Balanos: Utopia is an ideal world or a perfect society in which peace, justice, prosperity and equality for all prevail. It is a place where there is no oppression, poverty, wars or social inequalities. The term comes from Thomas More’s book ‘Utopia (1516)’, which describes a fictional island with a perfect political and social system. In essence, utopia is a philosophical and social idea that symbolizes human dreams of a better world, although it is often considered unattainable or unrealizable. In music, and art in general, the concept of utopia is often used to express the desire for change or improvement in society. It may be far from reality, but it is something worth dreaming about.
Rockpages.gr: For your previous album you did some selective concerts at home and abroad. Can we expect something similar for this album or maybe something more; e.g. a full tour?
Kyriakos Balanos: We want to do a full tour that includes both Greece and abroad, but unfortunately, most of us can’t be away for long periods of time due to personal and professional obligations. Since we don’t survive financially solely on music, we carefully choose our live performances that have a substantial impact and leave something more. Of course, you never know how things will turn out, and we are always open to new suggestions.
Rockpages.gr: The new album is out on No Remorse. A label renowned for its more classic sound. How did this collaboration come about?
Kyriakos Balanos: The collaboration with No Remorse was a natural progression. It’s a label with a long history in classic heavy metal, and we matched our philosophies very well. They have the experience and love for music, which we appreciated from the first moment. From the label’s point of view they wanted to open up a little bit more beyond their classic character, we made the approach the guys responded immediately and I think we had and will have a great collaboration.
Rockpages.gr: Will we have a Japanese version? If so, will it include anything more?
Kyriakos Balanos: Yes, we are already talking about a Japanese version of the album, which will include two bonus tracks. In one of them we will have the participation of one of the top voices of the Greek scene as a guest, but for now we can’t reveal more details.
Rockpages.gr: Once again you have taken over the artwork of your new album. There’s a lot of buzz about using AI on covers. Have you finally figured out what exactly annoys people about them? That some of them look cheap? Anything else?
Kyriakos Balanos: I think the main reaction comes from the fact that AI art sometimes looks impersonal or mechanical. People want to see the human touch, the personal work that goes into a cover. AI can be a tool, but it needs to be used properly without losing the aesthetic and emotion that human creation adds. For me AI is not just an evolution in the visual world it is the evolution of the human species in general in the years to come.
Rockpages.gr: If you had to choose just one song from this album to recommend me to listen to, what would it be?
Kyriakos Balanos: I would say the title track “Utopia”. It symbolizes the whole album and the idea behind it. It’s the most representative track of where we are musically at the moment.
Rockpages.gr: Helloween or Gamma Ray and why?
Kyriakos Balanos: You’re giving me a hard time now (haha)! I’d say Helloween, because they were the first to set us on this path with their power metal and their legacy is huge. But of course, we have huge respect for Gamma Ray as well. You see it’s always the original that counts, it’s like the peinirli from Rainbow (you know it!!! haha)
Rockpages.gr: Close this interview with a message to all our readers.
Kyriakos Balanos: I want to thank all the readers for their support over the years. I hope “Utopia” will touch you as much as it touched us. Be well, support the whole Greek scene. There are no big and small everyone is a human being with dreams and love for what they do, and never stop dreaming of your own utopia!