The legendary band started in 1976 and now the boyz are back with their fifth studio album. Yep, I know, some peeps might wonder… “Dude, five albums in thirty six years ain’t that much”! So they are not. We’re still talking about music, right? Featuring the emblematic Eric Moore behind the mic and a bunch of musicians performing concrete Rock, filled with Hard and Southern elements, we can hear stuff from the birth of those Rock rhythms, coming from all the way from the starsandstripesland… My only problem is… Well… It’s all about Mr. Moore’s voice, which I don’t want to get acquainted with. It’s like the child of Udo and Brian Johnson is trying to sing like Waylon Jennings. Some things can’t happen… However, because of the fact that these dudez are simply geniuses, they have recorded numerous double vox and narrations on the side and songs sound amazing! Listen to “Deliverance” for instance, one of the songs acting like that, and you’ll want to dance and have fun… maybe even give a hug to this beautiful brunette with the blue eyes you really like but didn’t have the guts to go beyond “Hi, how are you?” with her… The whole motif is well-known and most pleasant. The album is filled with catchy songs and Steve DeMatteo’s production is giving them the spotlight. We should also praise the work of Messrs Joe Viers and Rodney Mills for mixing and mastering respectively. The album sounds heavenly!
Fans of the idiom know about them, they have already checked them out and they will one more time around. For the rest of us… Just put “Show & Tell” on, pump it to ten and get the air-guitar out! Have fun!