Two Italian youngsters, Marco Obice (vocals and guitar) and Luca De Vito (drums), are what we call “inseparable”… They are hanging out since they were born and at some point they decide to form a band together. Now, what they are up to, regarding playing motif… How about a mixture of Metal/Power/Prog/Thrash? They call it Heavy Melodic Core, yet what I hear is totally melodic songs, featuring extra rough guitars and rhythm section pointing to Prog whilst vocals are close to Hansi’s voice color…
What impressed me the most is their melodies… Amazing melodies, touching even NWOBHM themes, guitar paths that even first class bands would love to conceive themselves! “Shoot me” is a song of such themes and paths… A massive solid song! And picture the following: the songs in the album are all moving that way! There is also a bunch of Thrashy spots over the album, yet they are there to actually emphasize and give the melodic parts the spotlight. Listen to “Together” for instance and you’ll get what I mean. Exceptional double bass drumming, very close to the infamous German style…
This is really a very interesting proposal. We would like to wish the best to the boys since this one is their debut, to assure them they’ve entered with their right foot and wait for the next moves.