The fellowship of the tangent never ceases to amazes us… The band, equivalent to musical genius and ultimately brilliant and spaced out compositions, is back with their sixth album. They would never expect to reach number six… This album is their way to celebrate the existence of communication. Music is the one we know it would be, the unbelievable mixture of out-of-this-world ideas, crazy intermissions, Floyd-ic adoration and seas of melody… Introducing song, “The Wiki Man”, is “just” over twenty minutes long; another one of the bouquet, “Titanic calls Carpathia” is sixteen minutes long. We are not going to repeat the same phrases about those guys, you’ve read it in the past, you know. Those of you into Spock’s Beard, Kaipa, those of you loving Progressive Rock, those of you into heavenly melodies, you can all drop by and have a listen. You won’t regret it. On the comm-trary…
The story behind “Comm” is all about the blooming of communications within the past hundred years. We are checking the band’s webpage, which, by the way, is totally awesomic and you MUST check it out, and we read the following fact. The Titanic sinks in the year 1912, it’s recorded as one of the biggest tragedies of all times. Yet, what we will distinguish from that horrible particle of human history is that seven hundred people were actually saved because of a signal transmission. From then on mankind has accomplished some amazing achievements, regarding communication, with the Internet being the top of the tops. More people are on the Net today than the entire population of Earth, a hundred years ago! We also read this however… Half the population of the big blue ball today has not made a single phone call! Shocking? It certainly is, as the band’s music is… We bow before the very genius of Andy Tillison and his gang…