It’s been fifteen years since the last show of U.D.O. in Athens and despite that the audience turned it’s back once again. A weird audience that is… three years ago the place was packed, obviously thanks to the Accept set that the General was playing back then. I am trying to understand how different and how inferior are most of U.D.O.’s album compared to the Udo era in Accept. There were barely 400 people in the audience that Sunday and I am sure they were totally satisfied with the show.
Kiss Of The Dolls from Letonia and Red Partisan from Serbia didn’t interest the crowd and their performance although decent had nothing to offer to the night.
Just a few minutes after 21:30 the intro and the first notes of “Tongue Reaper” gave the people an idea of what was coming for the next two hours. Despite his health problems that made this extended tour difficult for him he showed that he wasn’t affected at all. His movement around the stage was limited (as he informed us from early on), but his voice was unscratched even though he is now 68 years old giving us a very touching performance for me personally, although he totally ignored my favourite U.D.O. album, “Thunderball”.
He played great anthemic songs from the larger part of his discography and his band played a great part giving justice to the material. Anrey Smirnoff on guitar and Udo’s son, Sven, were the leading figures.
His latest great album, “Steelfactory”, was fairly represented with six songs. The band made everyone who showed up at Piraeus 117 Academy to live every note played and respond to the band’s very professional and extrovert presence.
The General waved goodbye to the small crowd who gave its most heartfelt applause showing the respect he deserves after two hours. I wish the man himself is in good health, as well as his group of people and they offer us another night like this, the “night of the General”.
Dimitris Kazantzis
Photos: Peter Papapetros