The Greek black metal band seems to be very active, which presents its second full-length, successor of the excellent “As The Flame Withers” of 2021. From its beginning anyway, great expectations were created, since it was founded by two historical members of the scene. Dimitris Patsouris a.k.a. Jim Mutilator (Medieval Demon, ex-Rotting Christ, ex-Varathron) and George Zacharopoulos a.k.a. The Magus (The Magus, Thou Art Lord, ex-Necromantia, ex-Rotting Christ).

And the expectations were confirmed, as they quickly made a very good name in the underground with many concerts abroad, resulting in a live album recorded in Mexico. Of course, The Magus’ philosophy of abstaining from live performances brought about his expected departure, resulting in Mutilator continuing with a completely different line-up compared to the debut album, which was recorded with session musicians anyway before Yoth Iria became a band with permanent members.

Did that affect the quality of “Blazing Inferno” at all? The answer is no as it continues at the same high level of its predecessor, with that characteristic Greek black metal sound of the 90s that Mutilator helped a lot to build if you look at his resume. Songs filled with imposing and in some parts epic atmospheres as well as amazing guitar melodies. The speeds are mainly mid-tempo, but without missing the fast outbursts with blast beats as well as some extra touches like traditional instruments and female vocals.

The album is well thought out, well written and has to offer to the listener moments that will travel him to a decade that has remained in the history of the world black metal sound and will remind him of top works of the scene. The production, fortunately, is modern and not pretentiously noisy as so many retro bands have tried with huge failure. Yoth Iria do indeed draw their influences from the past but they don’t forget that they are active in the now, making “Blazing Inferno” one of the best releases of this year.