To tell you the truth, when I received Zodiac Mindwarp’s new album, I was feeling a bit negative. First of all, the band has been releasing, for a long time now, average and below-average albums, on and off and secondly, I saw them last year playing in London, opening for the Alice Cooper Special Halloween Show and they were disappointing…
“We Are Volsung” did not make me feel thrilled; on the other hand it was not disappointing either. As an album it can be graded somewhere in the middle. There is definitely energy in this work as well as in the compositions. Out of those ten songs of the set there is nothing that can deliver something special. It’s ten songs with the almost same tempo, lasting thirty-one minutes in total. The first two songs feature a band trying to sound like “Orgasmatron”, based on a groovy mastering.
For the past fifteen years one can not demand something extreme from Zodiac Mindwarp, as they seem to be in a fading situation. Plus their leader most probably prefers to deal with his political writings than his music. His problem actually…