The American funk-hardcore-glam act Band Tango, kicked off somewhere in the 80’s, at the time releasing some promising works such as ‘’Psycho Café’’” and ‘’Dancin’ on Coals’’. Joe Leste’s vocals were exactly what a sleaze band would ask for. Their song entitled “Someone Like You”, while managing to reach a high billboard spot, did not grant them the required popularity for a long time.

After 5 years of absence, they make their come-back with “Pistol Whipped in the Bible Belt” which I am afraid is a rather indifferent release. They definitely knew that after their first 2 albums the road to failure was becoming shorter and shorter, but they insisted nevertheless. Once again they tried to marry funk to glam sounds, but they failed in producing something meaningful, something that would make you want to listen to the album more than a couple of times.
The album does include certain powerful moments such as “Dick in the System”, “Suck it Up” and “Boom Box Séance”; but personally, I wasn’t impressed at all. The most unnecessary moment of the album is the introduction to “Live Life” that is not recommended to people with anger management who are expected to skip it right away! (…just try to listen to it and you ‘ll see what I mean.)
For those unfamiliar to Band Tango’s music I would suggest to go for the first 2 albums, and appreciate the finest moments of the band. For those who happen to be fans, maybe you would be the only ones not to be disappointed by the album.