A powerful strike from Arkeyn Steel that comes to quench, even if only for a while, the thirst of American steel collectors everywhere from the past. This time the hit comes with the release of a major collection for San Francisco cult Brocas Helm enthusiasts.

So Brocas Helm… what can I say that hasn’t been said about this band? Nothing! So, I’ll stick to the known and known facts. The legendary band followed its own road, carved its own path on the scene and it’s no coincidence that it is so respected by the metal audience! They did everything in their own way. So, in between each album they released a series of demos.

This is where Arkeyn Steel comes in and collects this material. 22 compositions that make up the demos of 1983, 1987, 1989, the promo cassette “Time Of The Dark” of 1990 and the EP “Ghost Story” of 1994. All of them now for many years hard to find and highly collectible. So, for anyone who doesn’t want to spend a fortune on this material here you will find them collected. In fact, many of these songs, in this form, appear for the first time on CD!

And let me explain regarding this. The demo versions that the listener encounters here often have significant differences from the final compositions that ended up on the albums. It’s really interesting to study these great songs in their early form! All of the material has been remastered but with respect to the original score.

Now can I talk about the quality of the songs? Meaningless. These have been writing their own history for decades so I have nothing to add. “Helm’s Deep” is an excellent purchase in all aspects.