Today, with the Internet and all, getting in touch with a band is so easy… I’d dare saying that it used to be more romantic… Yeah, scratch that one right out, I like things the way they are today. You are on line, trying to find intriguing new bands and suddenly a message pops up! “Hi, we are band XXX and our brand new album “YYY” is out”! And you simply go like “Hi back! Would you like me to present your album”? This is how I got in touch with Greek band Chronosphere. They were formed three years ago, their debut is ready and the key factor is Thrash for all those leaving a part of their soul in Bay Area, almost thirty years ago.

This is GOOD Thrash, mate! Very well-played, very powerful and wild, inspired by its American root, featuring themes influenced by Slayer and more; the boys have numerous influences, from Nuclear Assault to Toxik! What matters here is solid production and a professional touch. Tough voice, grainy and ironic, tempo is changing from 4/4 to 3/4, crescendos are exquisite and speed variations directly point at the 80’s.

Title track is the birth of a regular moshpit! Riff leader and double bass drum on ferocious attack mode. There are also two demo versions, from their first demo. Best of luck to the boys and next time we meet they’ll be live on stage.