Innerwish long time absence from the live stages of Greece’s capital came to an end on Saturday November the 5th. Their superb new album just couldn’t be left without a live presentation in front of the city’s audience, so the band put its best effort to make a night ot remember. The venue choice seemed ideal as the attendance was expected big.

The crowd was there from early on to enjoy Sunburst’s first ever show in Athens. The band is based in Larisa and was created from the collaboration of two great musicians guitarist Gus Drax (Black Fate, Paradox, Suicidal Angels) and singer Vassilis Georgiou (Black Fate, Innosence), while on drums we find one of the best new Greek musicians, Kostas Milonas (Paradox, Outloud, Foray Between Ocean). I can’t say that the sound helped their demanding new age power progressive metal a lot. The drums, vocals and lead guitar were crystal clear, but that wasn’t the case with bass and rhythm guitar. Despite that it was obvious that these guys are not a band you won’t pay attention to. They were true professionals and their material should be heard broader than the Greek frontiers. Their debut album was released from Swedish Inner Wound Records that trusts Greek metal with Innerwish and Diviner in its roster. If I had something more to ask from Sunburst, that would be a more active stage presence following their guitarist, Gus Drax, who being the more experienced gig-wise was running around.


Up next were veterans Marauder with a new singer in their ranks, Tasos Krokodilos (Spitfire, Fire and Steel) who seems to have got into the band’s skin and performed ideally both older and newer material. Again, there were some issues with the sound, as well as playing wise on guitars. This is something I’ve noticed in several of the band’s shows in the past and I think that they need a better bonding on stage both in their playing as well as their stage performance. Their songs are amazing, they are experienced so what’s left is to take advantage of them both and present them in their shows.


When the headliners appeared on stage at 21:30 sharp there were 800 people there. In two hours and twenty minutes proved why they are considered a top band. They are undoubtedly one of the best bands in the country as far as professionalism and the music part is considered. The band’s lineup works superb, they are a tight unit that leaves nothing to luck. The sound was finally what it should be like, dynamic, clear, balanced and that’s how we enjoyed a musical journey that honored every album focusing on this year’s self-titled one. It’s worth noting that several songs from the “Innerwish” album were performed with a 12-memeber choir that also recorded with them on the album. It was a spectacular site that fitted them like a glove.


Giorgos Eikosipentakis proved the best choice to stand behind the mic. He went full throttle for two and a half hours giving us the impression that he could easily handle another two and a half! I really hope that Innerwish’s next show doesn’t take so long. It’s important that they seize the moment since after a long career they seem it top condition. The only thing that remains is to be appreciated by the younger generations of metal fans that were evidently among the more “mature” audience.

Kostas Kounadinis

Photos: Peter Papapetros, Themis Giannopoulos

