One could love or hate Lacrimosa; or even remain totally indifferent. Personally, I’m one of those loving them, although their themes do not move me. Although I do not speak German and can’t understand the lyrics of more than half their repertoire. Naturally, somebody can ask “And what do you expect these lyrics mean?” and they will be right…

There is something in this band that drowns me to them, something that I can not completely identify. It’s probably a feeling of my own…

I found many new and interesting things in “Revolution”. This unique duo, Wolf and Nurmi, have become more theatrical than ever. It’s something I can tell by listening to the very first melodies of the album. This music could be the soundtrack of a retro motion picture; even more! In addition they sound less dark than in their previous albums. Even their songs speed has been increased, in most of their compositions, limiting the “drowning” parts. The final result proves that these two charismatic musicians have the ability (and maturity I might add) to handle their music and ideas and constantly broaden them.

“Revolution” is truly a remarkable album and I have faith that most of gothic and dark wave fans will appreciate it.

