Watching the Italians current tour I was sure that this time their show was going to be something more than special. Their whole stage set was based on “Delirium” and made me feel very excited I have to admit.
The night kicked off with the Italians Sunheresy who didn’t manage to move me with their similar to Lacuna Coil style and despite their obvious effort on steage. I think that they are too far from presenting something really good.
Up next were Cellar Darling. The Swiss band consisted of ex-Eluveitie members seemed to me on their debut album that I reviewed indifferent. In a way too much of nothing. It’s a shame really because Anna Murphy’s amazing voice is wasted in something so meaningless, always according to my opinion.
The truth is that you didn’t need any support act to warm up the 1000 people that showed up at Piraeus 117 Academy, because Lacuna Coil achieved that with their very first notes. In a sanatorium inspired stage set with their white clothes and psychopath demons make up, the Italians made the crowd to feel delirious for the next 90 minutes. Their set was a best of, their performance was impeccable, both individually and as a band, actually a great one.
The audience couldn’t have it any better than this. I think that Lacuna Coil overdid themselves with this tour and of course we are eagerly waiting for their next one, that’s going to celebrate their 20th anniversary, in 2018 and all the other things they have in store for us in the near future.
Before resuming I feel that I must add how clever was the band’s move to offer exclusive meet & greets after the show to the first 50 people who bought merchandise. Music fans need a motive especially nowadays in order to take money out of their pockets and I think that Lacuna Coil gave them the best one.
Dimitris Kazantzis
Photos: Chris Kissadjekian
Setlist: Ultima Ratio, Spellbound, Die & Rise, Kill The Light, Swamped, Blood Tears Dust, Ghost In The Mist, Victims, My Demons, Trip The Darkness, Downfall, Enjoy The Silence, Our Truth, Delirium