What is it that makes you love an album and just can’t get enough of it? The clean and powerful production? The technical ability and overall performance of the band members? The quality of the songs? Maybe all of the above…(ideal combination)? Let’s make it more specific, shall we? What makes us characterize a melodic hard rock record as a great one? The opinions vary on this one but the truth is that it must definitely include catchy and melodic songs and if possible a link with the 80s feeling and atmosphere would be most welcome. In other words, you should sing along to every chorus, to every verse…even to every guitar solo. Well, Outloud has delivered such an album!
“Love Catastrophe” is the band’s sophomore effort and in fact there is no comparison with the otherwise pretty good debut. Outloud seems to have found their musical style as they clearly embrace now their melodic side while they present a more coherent and tight bunch of songs, as well. Songs like “Waiting For Your Love”, “Falling Rain”, “The Night That Never Ends” and “Clean Hands” could have easily been released in the glorious 80s and needless to say that they are stuck in your brain by the first time that you listen to them.
There is no need for further analysis…in a few years down the road, “Love Catastrophe” would be considered a classic hard rock album and all I can add is that you should support Outloud, not because it is a Greek band (at least, in its 4/5) but because they truly deserve it!
Highlight: Love the cover sleeve…