The beloved Sebastian Bach is 56 years old. The beloved singer has had a career that many would envy. He may never, in my opinion, have been able to reach the levels of popularity he had with Skid Row but I believe the same is true of his former bandmates after his departure.

Despite this, he never gave up. Tough guy after all. He managed in one way or another to stay in the spotlight. And now he has a new album! It’s been ten years since the release of his last full album and if anything it was of great interest to me.

“Child Within The Man” includes 11 compositions and according to Bach, he has had a hand in all of them, i.e. he has composed them himself or with a co-producer. The album is quite hard with a modern sound and the necessary dose of vagrancy. Interesting touches have been added by the various guests Bach has. From Orianthi on “Future Of Youth” and John 5 on “Freedom” they also add in their own way to the final result. Of course, there are also the more melodic moments like the beautiful “To Live Again” which closes the album in a perfect way.

But what about Bach’s voice? And here I have no complaints since the singer sounds very good with the necessary grit in his voice without losing in any way when he becomes more melodic.

Bach and Skid Row may have parted ways, never say never of course, but listening to an album like “Child Within The Man” I can’t help but wonder what he would have to offer his old band if he returned. On the other hand, maybe it’s for the best of both parties that they each went their own way.