The beloved Tad Morose are back with a new album, the second since their reanimation in 2013. The gap left in the European power metal scene by their silence 12 years ago was significant especially given the fact that around the same period, fellow countrymen Nocturnal Rites ceased action as well. Ronny Hemlin (Inmoria, Steel Attack) is a worthy replacement for Urban Breed (now active with the Tad Morose spin off Trail of Murder and supergroup Serious Black) although a bit more aggressive in his vocal approach in places. St.Demonius continues in the path that Revenant carved, linking the Modus Vivendi era with the sound of today and the aura brought by the newest members. But always in the melodic power metal vein and with the Tad Morose unmistakable touch, unlocking its secrets after the second spin. I will never stop underlining the necessity of bands like Tad Morose in the heavy metal universe of today. I wish they had a wider audience earning the slice of the pie they deserve based on their quality.