Mr. Anders (Yep, he’s Swedish!) Wigelious is a brand new singer; he’s got a special AORish voice and he gained attention by singing Journey’s “Don’t stop believin” during a contest on national TV. Gotta tell ya, I saw the video, I wasn’t that impressed, it’s alright tho, other peeps were. Producer extraordinaire Daniel Flores was genuinely interested and here we are now, talking about the band’s debut. Anders’ older brother is playing the drums on the album; this is one quartet full of youth and enthusiasm.
Thus you push the “play” button and you get to listen to AOR. The exact way you are used to listen to it. Heartfelt, ready for a good party and ready for the beach. The youngster is singing by the AOR book, he possesses a warm and soft voice, with the necessary roughness. As for the songs quality… Well, we’ve been through this before, the Swedish are really into AOR! Cool and catchy songs and what’s next? “Next to me” and we’re talking crazy pose and a chorus for all the young at heart and the ladies with a lil’ tooth ache problem…
“Piece of the action” and we’re facing a cute hit song. No, it’s not like we’ve invented the wheel, yet it’s a fine song, giving you the chance to have a GREat time and dance to it a bit! The band is fresh, the boys are having a good time, they Rock it out, they feature some backing vox effects the likes of Roxette… Speaking of backing vocals, they are so dreamy, they even reminded me of my beloved Vanishing Point. “Love can be that much” is the ballad of the album – almost. It’s a “More than words” type of song, voice and guitar and various FX and attitude. I won’t be surprised if their label decided to promote as a single. I must confess I’m not that fond of the other ballad of the album (There is no me without you).
Friends and fans of AOR, you should really look that album up. You’re gonna love the atmosphere, plus you get to listen to a band that has just started. Next best thing: to watch them blossom! Best of luck and success to the boys!