If you listened to the new ‘Snake song from our previous news story it’s time to watch the video as well…
Whitesnake released a new song, “Shut Up & Kiss Me”, from their 13th studio album, “Flesh & Blood”, for which a video will follow soon. According to David Coverdale this is the band’s best album: “I know that’s clichéd stuff, but I know what I’m talking about. I should after almost 50 years.” Discussing what was different about it, he said it had “all the necessary Whitesnake elements that I need to call it Whitesnake, but with a vibrant, fresh coat of paint.” This is the first time that Coverdale works together in the compostitions with Reb Beach and Joel Hoekstrathe longest-standing member of Whitesnake, Reb Beach, [he and I had] never written together until this project. So it’s a family affair. It really is cool. I’m very excited for people to hear it”. As for the song “Shut Up & Kiss Me,” he said: “it’s a kick-ass song; you’re gonna love it. … [It has] some real fun elements paying respect and nod to Whitesnake’s past.”