When progressive and djent, set a joint course, then the best we can do is go right after them. “Insertion”, definitely lets us know that for the next 50+ minutes we’re going to get lost in a maze, where deciphered chaos reigns, at least until the very last notes of “Chronicity”. The word “maze” is used, mostly because the listening of each of the ten compositions, can give the impression that those are a product of an entity which is undoubtedly capable of creating complex and immense sound structures, and that is probably because every part, of every song, seems to be everything but left to chance. And while every bar is there to assist in deciphering chaos, the listener cannot help but lose himself in this process, whether it is expressed through the harmony deriving from the guitars, like in “Thread of Life”, or the drumwork that surrounds it, or even through the saxophone in “Savior Complex” which definitely is a huge surprise. “Harmonic Confusion” is not only a passage to the maze, but also it consists of a gargantuan amount of courage. That is because, a band not only deciding to dive into such a difficult and skill-demanding music genre, in which the Greek music scene has not many to present us with, but also is -more than- able to stand beside equivalent bands hailing from abroad, that is an achievement of great skill, but even greater bravery.