On January 12, David “Gus” Griesinger of BackstageAxxess.com conducted an interview with ALTER BRIDGE and SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS singer Myles Kennedy.
Myles: “Well, I think at this point, it kind of remains to be seen. With what they [Slash and the rest of GUNS N’ ROSES] have happening, and with ALTER BRIDGE, and I’m working on another solo record — I finished a solo record last year, and I’m working on another one — so I guess I’m always just keeping my options open and always just trying to utilize my time on this planet and create as much as I can. So I guess we will see. The door’s certainly open, and we’ll see how it plays out.”
On his upcoming solo album:
Myles: “Well, I think it just depends on the window that’s carved out. So the goal is… what it’s always been. When I first started the project — the first project — back in 2009 was to have something so I could go out on the road, really just with myself and an acoustic guitar. And what happened with that record was it became a little more produced, and I realized it was gonna be hard to go out and tour it that way. So with the new record I’m working on, I’m still trying to keep it as stripped down as possible, so that… It’s not gonna be something where it’s gonna require a year or two of my time to promote it; it can be done in a relatively short span of time. So hopefully in the next year or so would be ideal to put something like that out.”