Talking to Sonic Perspectives, Within Temptation’s Sharon Den Adel said that live shows can’t go on without a vaccine or medicine.
“Well, there’s no going forward if there’s no vaccine or medicine. If that’s there, then we can go back to (playing shows). I think festivals will be fine eventually, because they say it doesn’t spread outside as much, so outdoors events will happen and indoor events, you need the vaccine or medication. So I don’t think anything will happen until that happens. And I don’t see anything really changing, like playing for just a hundred people. The venues that we are playing, they are huge, so you can’t go back to a hundred people. That doesn’t make sense.”
Talking about the fact that many artists have taken to creating stripped-down quarantine videos while they are unable to perform in front of a crowd, she commented: “I must say, personally, I’m pretty bored with playing acoustic again and again and again. It’s nice, but I like those roaring guitars and I wanna have the real thing and I wanna have the audience and I wanna have the energetic interaction. And that’s what I miss. Of course, it’s nice and it has been helpful for everyone to have these kinds of shows, I guess.”