Blacksters Witchery return six years after their last album release with “In His Infernal Majesty’s Service”, which is out on November 25th via Century Media. Celebrating the 20th year of the group’s existence, “In His Infernal Majesty’s Service” showcases an illustrious and revamped line-up consisting of original members Jensen (Guit., The Haunted), Rikard Rimfält (Guit., Seance) and Sharlee D’Angelo (Bass, Arch Enemy), alongside new additions to this nocturnal guild Angus Norder (Vox, Nekrokraft) and Chris Barkensjö (Drums, LIK). Self-evidently, WITCHERY stays the stylistic course and continues their infamous tradition of combining the best elements of old school Thrash, Speed, Death, Black and ultimately pure Heavy Metal with dead-on songwriting precision for maximum listening pleasure. In regards to the musical approach and the recording procedure goals with the new album, which was produced and mixed by Daniel Bergstrand at Dug Out Studio (Behemoth, In Flames, Meshuggah), Jensen adds the following in
“Musically, I wanted to make this album more raw than the previous ones. Perhaps as raw as the first album even. I really didn’t want to over-work things, as I myself enjoy music that comes more from feeling and enthusiasm than music that has been contemplated and construed. This album is recorded by Daniel Bergstrand at his Dug Out Studio in Uppsala, Sweden. Even though Daniel has been a high profile name for ages within the Metal community, I’ve never had the opportunity to work with him before. I have to say that Daniel is really easy to work with. All around a great guy and he immediately understood what I was looking for production-wise when I spoke to him about the album. My main request was that I wanted a raw and unpolished production. I really dislike productions where you can hear that the band has had ages to complete just one song. Where there might be a month’s worth of coffee breaks between the guitar takes etc. I wanted it to sound like a real band that is playing together. My second request was that I wanted the drums to sound like on Van Halen’s “1984” album. I seriously love that aggressive middy drum sound. I think Daniel did an amazing job and I know that he rates this production very highly on his own personal list of albums he’s worked on…” Witchery’s “In His Infernal Majesty’s Service” comes packaged in classy artwork (See above!) by Andreas Diaz Pettersson.