The remaining members of LEAVES’ EYES and their former singer, Liv Kristine, have offered different accounts of the circumstances behind their split, with LEAVES’ EYES claiming the decision to part ways was amicably made in January and Liv saying she was dismissed from the group less than two weeks ago.
Shortly after the LEAVES’ EYES statement was posted, Liv took to her personal Facebook page to thank the fans and to clarify several points. She said: “Dear fans and friends, without you I wouldn’t have the strength to continue with music. What you all have done for me with all your endless support and passion keeps me going on in these difficult times.
“Thank you for warning me concerning new postings by someone in LEAVES’ EYES, done to harm me and make my situation even worse. I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I was told a bit longer than a week ago that I am not preferred as the band’s singer for further tours and recordings anymore. I asked for the situation concerning Indonesia and the soon-to-happen up-coming shows. The answer was ‘no.’ I asked if there’s a replacement and I got no clear answer. I can’t believe this process happened behind my back, parallel to a huge disappointment in my private life. A few days later, there certainly was a replacement. I must say — that was ‘quick’!